Advice For Controlling the Numbers of Mice on Your Property

One of the biggest nuisances in Australia occurs when mice numbers get out of control. Unfortunately, this can happen extremely rapidly. Mice tend to create a lot of problems in rural areas, especially where they are able to get into agricultural storage depots and gain access to grain. However, mice infestations are also problematic in many urban environments in the country, and you may find that you face growing mice numbers even if you live in a big city. What are the main pest control measures you can put in place to deter the presence of these creatures?


If you want to lower the numbers of mice around your home, then you will need to prevent them from breeding. This will usually mean laying traps down so that the numbers of breeding couples are minimised. Knowing where to put mouse traps is the most important part of making them effective, so you may need to consult a pest control professional before you start on this course of action. If you opt for humane mousetraps, then make sure you transport any captured mice at least a couple of miles away before releasing them, or they may return to your property. Only use poison baits in accessible locations because you may end up with dead mice in hard-to-reach places on your property, which could create a health hazard.

Food Access

Another important aspect of pest control is to make your environment as unwelcoming as possible to the creatures in question. In the case of mice, this means making sure that all of your food is put away in sealed containers. Use metal tins or glass jars to keep food in because plastic containers can be gnawed through even by little mice. Equally, it is important to sweep up after any spillages occur and to throw away your rubbish in a lockable bin until it is collected.

Block Up Holes

Consult a pest control professional about potential access points into your home mice may be using. Professionals have the expertise and equipment necessary to track the preferred routes mice are taking and will, therefore, be able to tell you where it is best to concentrate your efforts. The harder it is is for mice to get in and out of a property, the more likely it is they will simply move on to another area. Just filling in holes in floorboards can make a huge difference to mice numbers in a matter of days.

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Everything You Need To Know About Termite Control Termites are a pest which does millions of dollars of damage each year throughout Australia. However, by knowing more about termites, their movements, and signs of infestation, then you can organise pest control treatment early to minimise the amount of damage done. If you are interested in finding out more about termites and the methods used to get rid of them, then you have picked the right website for information. When you suspect you have termites on your property, then you need advice on how to confirm that suspicion before treatment starts. Use the information provided here to stop termites in their tracks.



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