Commercial Pest Control Services: 3 Signs Rodents Have Found a Dwelling Place in Your Business Premises

Rodents are annoying animals that dwell in warm and dry areas. Their infestation can destroy your property or even cause various diseases. It's worse if they find a dwelling in your business premises because they can easily damage your work's image and lower your reputation.

The best way to deal with rodents is to make sure they're not there in the first place. But if they've likely attacked already, it's best to check the signs of their presence.  Here are the three most common signs that show their presence in your business environment. 

1. Dark Brown or Black Droppings in Your Business Premises

Rodents can hide in your business premises for months without you noticing. But when you see black or dark brown droppings, they just might be a sign that rodents are in the building. 

A mouse can produce over 50 droppings in a day. So, within a very short time, these bothersome creatures can scatter their droppings in different areas of your business premises and cause a huge mess.  

2. Gnawing Marks on Delicate Items in Your Business Premises

Rodents will feed on the delicate items if they don't find foodstuffs on your business premises. So, if there are gnawing marks on the surface of delicate items that you use for work, there's a high chance that rodents have made their way into your premises. 

Gnawing can cost your business a lot of money in repairs because several rodents can cause severe damages to your property in just one night. If they feed on water pipes or electric cables, it could lead to hazardous problems such as open fire and unexpected water damages. 

3. Strange Sounds From Hidden Areas

Rodents make different sounds as they move around. If you are attentive, you can easily notice their presence. If you hear scratching, squeaking, or nibbling sounds coming from hidden areas of the premises, and especially at night, these animals may more than likely be in the building.  

If you notice any of the signs above, it's a clear indication that you have rodents in your business. However, it is not advisable to remove them all by yourself, even if you have found their dwelling place. If you touch the rodents, their urine, or droppings, you might contract a severe infection. The best thing to do is to call in pest control experts for help. They'll come to your business premises and help you clear the mess. 

Contact a commercial pest control company to learn more.

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Everything You Need To Know About Termite Control Termites are a pest which does millions of dollars of damage each year throughout Australia. However, by knowing more about termites, their movements, and signs of infestation, then you can organise pest control treatment early to minimise the amount of damage done. If you are interested in finding out more about termites and the methods used to get rid of them, then you have picked the right website for information. When you suspect you have termites on your property, then you need advice on how to confirm that suspicion before treatment starts. Use the information provided here to stop termites in their tracks.



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