Termite Control Strategies for a New Lumber House

Lumber houses have grown in popularity over the last few decades because of their aesthetic versatility, impeccable insulation and cost-effectiveness. However, builders understand that timber houses are prone to termite attacks; therefore, they use treated wood for construction. However, the fact that your new home is built with treated timber should not stop you from implementing proactive termite control measures. This article highlights effective termite control measures you should use after moving into a new lumber home. 

Use Termite-Resistant Mulch

Every new homeowner's dream is to have impeccable and lush front and backyards; however, only healthy vegetation can achieve the look. Notably, using mulch the right way promotes plant growth, but you need to be careful about the type of mulch you choose for your lawn. For instance, mulch made from wood chips is a termite's delicacy; therefore, you should avoid using it at all costs. Nonetheless, it does not mean that all wood mulch is bad if you want to keep termites away from your property. Mulch made from termite-resistant timber is the best for a lumber house because it acts as a termite deterrent. Mulch made from cypress heartwood or eucalyptus is toxic to termites, which is ideal.

Regularly Prune Tree Branches

There are many benefits for growing trees close to your home. They allow lots of fresh air into your house and provide shade, especially if the plants are close to your deck. However, overgrown tree branches close to a roof offer a safe passage for termites. Termites can climb down branches onto a gutter system and gain access to a house. Therefore, you must regularly prune overgrown branches and leaves close to your house. It prevents termites from gaining access to your lumber home and causing havoc.

Ensure Proper Draining/Ventilation on Subfloor

If your lumber house has a raised floor or foundation, you must ensure that the space underneath has proper drainage and ventilation. Termites love moist timber because it is soft and easy to chew on. Similarly, dark areas offer protection and excellent breeding spots against predators. Therefore, if you do not inspect your raised floor regularly for drainage and ventilation issues, you might soon start seeing termites on your floor. Notably, ensure that the plumbing underneath the crawl space is in excellent condition and without leaks. Besides keeping the subfloor well ventilated, avoid storing materials such as books, clothes, and timber cuts in this space because the items attract termites.

Reach out to a professional for termite control assistance.

415 Words

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Everything You Need To Know About Termite Control Termites are a pest which does millions of dollars of damage each year throughout Australia. However, by knowing more about termites, their movements, and signs of infestation, then you can organise pest control treatment early to minimise the amount of damage done. If you are interested in finding out more about termites and the methods used to get rid of them, then you have picked the right website for information. When you suspect you have termites on your property, then you need advice on how to confirm that suspicion before treatment starts. Use the information provided here to stop termites in their tracks.



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